What If Mary Was Not A Virgin?

What if Mary was not a virgin? Oh my, that would create a major credibility crisis for so many people including Jesus. Many of his claims would become disputed and disputable. But we seem to be getting ahead of ourselves, let’s back up a little. Prophet Isaiah was known for dramatic prophecies, including that prophecy Read more about What If Mary Was Not A Virgin?[…]

What If Satan Was Not Created?

What if Satan was not created? Well, it’s tempting to say we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief, after all there’ll be no more temptations. But that won’t be true and the reason is because we won’t know any different. If Satan wasn’t created, we won’t know what being tempted by Satan is. But we Read more about What If Satan Was Not Created?[…]

What If King Saul Had Waited For Samuel To Perform The Sacrifice?

Saul has to be one of the most tragic stories in human history. The man blew it big time. He had such a promising start but came to a tragic end. But we seem to be getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up a little. King Nahash, king of the Ammonites was a brutal and Read more about What If King Saul Had Waited For Samuel To Perform The Sacrifice?[…]

What If Noah Had Not Built The Ark?

What if Noah had not built the ark? Well, that would have created all sorts of complications leading up to the Antichrist. And God wanted to maintain extant genetic code to jumpstart a new era of humanity. If any ark was ever going to be built it had to be by Noah. He had a Read more about What If Noah Had Not Built The Ark?[…]

What If The Bible Never Existed?

What if the Bible never existed? Well, obviously there will be no documentation of all the stuff we know, but that won’t really alter the right of God to adjudicate the lives of men. But we seem to be getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up a little. The Bible is four things. First, it Read more about What If The Bible Never Existed?[…]