Last week we discussed the topic “Photizo”. We looked at the seven meanings and four dimensions of Photizo from John 1:1-9. John 1:1-9 states that every man that enters this world is capacitated with two types of knowledge – the knowledge of salvation, which is why man seems to have a compulsive need for God; the second is informational capacitation. We also identified the three capabilities of the Christian: natural potentiation, grace and the Holy Spirit. This week we will be looking at Success Factors. If you missed Photizo you can read the full article on
In order to succeed you need discipline. You need to apply yourself. Without discipline you won’t achieve. A very talented individual without discipline will accomplish less than a less talented person with discipline. The facts of life bear that out. You can’t be lazy if you want to succeed. The difficult truth is that some Christians are intellectually lazy. They won’t even study their Bible. They don’t read.
It’s amazing when Christians show up at job interviews and when asked what books they read they say motivational books. So now you’re motivated then what? Motivation is not enough. You need cross-disciplinary knowledge to succeed. Some Christians even believe the only book they should read is the Bible. When asked why, they say Smith Wigglesworth said so. When pressed further as to where they got the information they say it’s from Smith Wigglesworth’s book. They can’t see the irony. You’ve got to study in whatever discipline you’re in.
Knowledge is of God. Concerning Jesus the Bible says, “In him lie hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:3 NLT. All knowledge is hidden in Christ Jesus – be it Physics, Chemistry, Cosmology or Biology. ALL knowledge is hidden in him, not just spiritual information. Colossians 2:3 NLT.
Jesus is the Logos. In Greek philosophy this refers to the mind of God. Because you have Jesus the Bible says you have the mind of Christ. I Corinthians 2:16. That’s the mind that created the universe. John 1:3. You are potentiated to succeed. Just apply yourself. Don’t be intellectually lazy.
Proverbs 24:3-4 TLB says, “Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common-sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts.”
As a businessman or woman therefore there are three things you must pay attention to:
- Planning
- Common-sense
- Facts
This is also a general principle. Whatever you want to do sit down and plan. Think through scenarios, examine different angles, and present a logical flow. Do cost analysis. If there are issues, come up with creative solutions. Problems exist to be solved. You’ve got to learn to use your common-sense. It’s not unspiritual, it’s in the Bible. Read Proverbs 24:3-4 TLB. A lot of things we bother God about just require common-sense. Deal with facts. Do your research. Don’t act on suppositions. Process raw facts. Whatever the facts show accept. Don’t argue with facts. Look for patterns. Facts present discernible patterns. Look for anomalies too.
There are things which militate against attainment. The first is tradition. The second is religiosity. Jesus said culture and tradition can limit even the effectiveness of the word of God. Mark 7:13. The challenge for some Christians is figuring out what should rule their life – culture and tradition, or the word of God. For example, the Bible says the man and his wife are one but some read that to mean the man and his mother are one. And so they treat the wife as a permanent visitor in the home.
But perhaps the greatest hindrance against attainment by Christians is religiosity. Religiosity creates false righteousness. It substitutes God’s word with human thinking and religious supposition. This goes to the question of why a carnal Christian can be doing well in business but a spiritual brother, one who fasts and prays struggles. It’s because business success does not depend on spirituality. That’s what the Bible teaches in the Parable of Talents. Matthew 25:14-30. That’s not saying a businessman should not be spiritual. It’s just not the basis of business success, though it can help.
God allocates capital to whoever can make returns on his money, not whoever can fast and pray. In the Parable of Talents capital was allocated according to potential and capability, not fasting. Matthew 25:14-30. The second round of financing in the Parable of Talents was based on competence and results. If you maintain bad business practices God will withdraw his capital and give it to your neighbour. Matthew 25:14-30.
God is very particular about returns on his money. He only takes finance risk, never business risk. That’s what the Parable of Talents teaches. Matthew 25:14-30. The mistake Christians make is that they imagine there’s only one dimension to God and that dimension is applicable to all situations. To be sure, there are seven secularist dimensions of God in scriptures.
The seven secularist dimensions of God are:
- God the scientist
- God the legislator
- God the judiciary
- God the executive
- God the military commander
- God the business man
- God the benevolent
God the benevolent is the one who supplies our needs – Philippians 4:19; forgives our sins – Matthew 6:12. God the venture capitalist on the other hand is the one you have to deal with as a businessman. Matthew 25:14-30.
The rules for each of the seven secularist manifestations of God differ. You must have a technical appreciation of God. It’s important you don’t substitute God’s word with your idea of who God should be.
And so if you want to succeed you need to:
- Know your natural potential, acquire potential through studies
- Progress your potential. Potential is not enough. You must discipline your capabilities.
- Get rid of cultural and religious baggages.
If you’ll like to receive Jesus into your life please pray this prayer: “Father I acknowledge that I am a sinner, that Jesus died for me, that you raised him from the dead. Father please forgive me. I accept Jesus today as my Lord and my Saviour. Amen.” #Illuminare
© Leke Alder | #Illuminare
Potential is not enough. You must discipline your capabilities. Click To Tweet