The Order of Melchizedek

We all know Melchizedek, right? He’s become very popular of late over the issue of tithes though he had always been a celebrity. He was a king actually, the king of Salem, back in the days of Abraham. (Genesis 14:18) We really don’t know much about his background – his family, his kingdom, his accomplishments… Read more about The Order of Melchizedek[…]

Kingdom Takeover (Part 1)

Let us put things in proper context. When we’re talking about kingdom takeover we’re talking about taking over the political, economic and cultural dimensions of a nation. You can’t take over a national expression without acquiring control of those strategic assets. You have to take over political power, control the economy and influence popular culture Read more about Kingdom Takeover (Part 1)[…]

What If King Saul Had Waited For Samuel To Perform The Sacrifice?

Saul has to be one of the most tragic stories in human history. The man blew it big time. He had such a promising start but came to a tragic end. But we seem to be getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up a little. King Nahash, king of the Ammonites was a brutal and Read more about What If King Saul Had Waited For Samuel To Perform The Sacrifice?[…]

What If Lucifer Had Not Fomented A Revolution In Heaven?

What if Lucifer had not fomented a revolution in heaven? Well, he wouldn’t then have been cast out and one can thus easily leap to the presumption Eve would not have been tempted; and all the troubles in the world would not have been. But we seem to be jumping ahead of ourselves, let’s back Read more about What If Lucifer Had Not Fomented A Revolution In Heaven?[…]

What If David Had Not Killed Goliath?

What if David had not killed Goliath? Well, he would have been torn to pieces with bare hands unless he ran away. Goliath meant it when he told him, “I’ll turn you into a tasty morsel of field mice.” (1 Samuel 17:44 MSG) That’s Goliath’s macabre idea of battlefield snacks. But we seem to be Read more about What If David Had Not Killed Goliath?[…]

What If Jesus Christ Had Not Resurrected On The Third Day?

What if…Jesus Christ had not resurrected on the third day? O my! That’s a major problem for everyone, Christians in particular. But Paul addressed the issue with the Corinthians. There were folks saying there’s no resurrection. Paul warned the Corinthians not to allow themselves to be poisoned by “anti-resurrection loose talk.” (1 Corinthians 15:33 MSG) Read more about What If Jesus Christ Had Not Resurrected On The Third Day?[…]

The Larger Picture

Good morning! Yesterday, we looked at the operational CONTEXT of the 21st century church. We saw that we cannot operate outside the purview of the dispensations of God and that there are economic dispensations apart from spiritual dispensations. A dispensation is an epochal calendar of God. It divides God’s program for the Earth into epochs Read more about The Larger Picture[…]

The Prophet and The Nation

Permit me to begin in technological terms this morning. The traditional image of a gathering of prophets somehow evokes ancient dread; but since prophets deal in the future, I will begin my address in futuristic terms. It would seem that the mind of God has a virtual security system. No one can access it except Read more about The Prophet and The Nation[…]