Was Jesus Born On December 25?

Urban Legends examines widely held myths from a Biblical perspective. No other birthday in history has generated as much chatter as the birthday of Jesus. It’s a global calendar event. We celebrate his birth on December 25 but some contend that wasn’t his real birthday and not without reason. Before the world settled on December Read more about Was Jesus Born On December 25?[…]

Did Jesus Build The Church On Peter?

Urban Legends examines widely held myths from a Biblical perspective. One of the most contended passages of scripture in human history is Matthew 16:13-20. In that passage, we see Jesus having a feedback session with his disciples. He asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” As it turns out Read more about Did Jesus Build The Church On Peter?[…]

How Did We Get The Bible?

Urban Legends examines widely held myths from a Biblical perspective. The highest selling book of all time is the Bible. Sold 5 billion copies already and selling at the rate of 100 million a year. This minus digital downloads. “Bible” literally means “the books.” The word comes from Koine Greek, Biblia. The Bible is not Read more about How Did We Get The Bible?[…]