What If Esau Had Cursed Jacob?

So here’s the thing. We all know Esau, right? He wasn’t exactly noted for intelligent decisions. The guy was blunt force trauma on his own destiny. He became popular in his neighbourhood for selling his birthright for red stew. (Genesis 25:30) That’s how he got the nickname Edom. Edom means “red.” But we’re rushing ahead Read more about What If Esau Had Cursed Jacob?[…]

What if Joseph had Slept With Mrs. Potiphar?

Mrs. Potiphar was a racist. And a sexual predator. Of course we all know the story of Joseph! Poor Jewish boy forcefully abducted from his home country finds himself in an Egyptian slave market. His brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites, his second cousins who then resold him in Egypt. He wound up in the Read more about What if Joseph had Slept With Mrs. Potiphar?[…]

What If There Was No Noah’s Flood Or Ark?

The What if…Imaginative Adventures in Faith.  (This question was submitted by ADT)   Well, for one there won’t be a Guinness Book of Records entry of the largest cruise ship in the ancient world. Though by today’s standard Noah’s ark would be nothing more than a super yacht. It’s actually smaller than the second largest Read more about What If There Was No Noah’s Flood Or Ark?[…]

What If Judas Didn’t Betray Jesus?

The What if…Imaginative Adventures in Faith. (This question was submitted by ADT)   What if…Judas didn’t betray Jesus?   Judas has to be the most reviled person in human history. His name is synonymous with infamy though it actually means Praise. It’s from Loudas, the Greek form of Judah. Another variant is Jude. The meaning Read more about What If Judas Didn’t Betray Jesus?[…]