What If Peter Had Not Denied Jesus?

There are those invocations we make that are lacking in efficacy and for that, we ought to thank God. Take the cock-crow experience of Peter. When he was called out as a follower of Christ Peter rained curses on himself in very vehement denial. (Matthew 26:73-75) It’s not exactly a far-fetched scenario. Some, for example, Read more about What If Peter Had Not Denied Jesus?[…]

What If Judas Didn’t Betray Jesus?

The What if…Imaginative Adventures in Faith. (This question was submitted by ADT)   What if…Judas didn’t betray Jesus?   Judas has to be the most reviled person in human history. His name is synonymous with infamy though it actually means Praise. It’s from Loudas, the Greek form of Judah. Another variant is Jude. The meaning Read more about What If Judas Didn’t Betray Jesus?[…]