Illuminare by Leke Alder: On Faith Part 7: The Agenda

On Faith Part 7: The Agenda

Humanly speaking, Jesus had to have been an extraordinary individual. There are no two ways about it. While his betrayal was in progress, and he knew what was going on, he instituted the rite of communion. 1 Corinthians 11:23 AMPC. He just carried on with the program. Communion was the dramatized pre-announcement of the program Read more about On Faith Part 7: The Agenda[…]

Cogitation XIV: God And Time

The Book of Revelation has to be the scariest literature ever produced. What with all those strange creatures that Marvel and Star Wars movies borrow from! Even the image of God in Revelation is scary. There’s so much energy coursing through him – enormous amounts of energy: “Immediately I was in the Spirit, and a throne was standing in heaven with someone seated on it! And the one seated on it was like jasper and carnelian in appearance, a rainbow looking like it was made of emerald encircled the throne.” Revelation 4:2‭-‬3 NET‬. ‬‬Those colours are energy spectra, God is not a stone. It’s why John says he’s LIKE jasper and carnelian. Carnelian is reddish brown. Jasper is brownish. Those colours are wavelengths of energy. There are flashes of lightning and thunder from that throne. That’s because there’s so much energy electricity is being generated. It’s why we can’t move near God physically. Too much radiation. ‬Now we can understand why Jesus is the intermediary. He stepped down the power and energy the way you step down voltage: “The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of our awesome God, reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine, the exact representation and perfect imprint of His Father’s essence…” Hebrews 1:3 AMP. ‬‬


Cogitation VII: God’s Psychological Profile

If you want to relate with God, be close to him, it’s important you understand how he thinks, how he processes stuff. He’s quite different from us. He’s very unique. The average human is more or less defined by just one thing. Not God. He’s defined by four powerful things. Those four things operate as principles. They are intellect, power, trust quotient and love. The combination of the four definitive factors are encapsulated into a technical and stylistic container phrase called “righteousness.” Everything God does is righteous, both in material form, as well as stylistically. In Britain for example the Queen has “Royal Mail.” Were God to name his postal service he’d probably call it “Righteous Mail.”


The Church and Politics (Part 15): Another Trinity

We continue the series, The Church and Politics. If you’ve not been following the series please go to to read the last fourteen instalments.

As we noted in the 11th instalment of this series, God IS government. He’s government because he regulates creation, he’s government because ALL power is resident in him. He is all powerful. The Psalmist put it succinctly: “God has spoken plainly, and I have heard it many times: Power, O God, belongs to you.” Psalms 62:11 NLT. God is a power native. […]

The Church and Politics (Part 6): Power of the State

This is the continuation of our discourse on The Church and Politics. Last week we looked at how God allocates power. To read Parts 1-5 of The Church and Politics, please go to -church-and-politics/


The antecedent of Satan as someone who cannot be trusted with power is very well established in scriptures. He’s always abused trust and power. He instigated a rebellion in Heaven. (Revelation 12:7-9) Satan was corrupt – traded favour and access. He was the originator of what we now refer to as “pay for play” in political circles: “But sin after sin, by your corrupt ways of doing business, you defiled your holy places of worship.” (Ezekiel 28:15-16 MSG) Consequently, Satan was exiled from Heaven: “Through the abundance of your commerce you were internally filled with lawlessness and violence, and you sinned. Therefore I cast you out as a profane and unholy thing from the mountain of God.” (Ezekiel 28:16 AMP)

Since Satan ideologically positioned himself as God’s adversary, it is quite logical that his son, the Antichrist would function as the antithesis to the thesis, Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God: “Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction – the Antichrist who is destined to be destroyed, who opposes and exalts himself so proudly and insolently above every so-called god or object of worship so he takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he is God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) You need to understand that power to Satan is not just a means to an end, it is an end: “I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High,” he said. (Isaiah 14:14)


The Church and Politics (Part 2) : Heavenly Citizenship

Last week we began the series, The Church and Politics by laying the foundation for the discourse. We came to the conclusion the Church is a political organ and Jesus is a political figure. You can read more at

This week we begin exploration of the concept of citizenship.


The Parchment

I present lessons from my teachings in 2017. I hope you keep them in heart as we approach 2018. There are two mystical orders in the Bible: they are the Levitical or Aaronic order and the Order of Melchizedek. The Melchizedek order is a religio-secular order. It is a hyphenated order – priest-king. Sometimes we Read more about The Parchment[…]

Understanding Tithing (Part 4)

This is the concluding part of the series, Understanding Tithing. We began the series three weeks ago to clear misconceptions about tithing. In Part 1, we looked at the historicity of tithing – how tithing began. It began with a gentleman named Abraham. We saw the two regimes of tithe in scriptures – elective and Read more about Understanding Tithing (Part 4)[…]

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