Understanding Tithing (Part 2)

Last week we began discussion on Understanding Tithing. We saw the two regimes of tithe in the Bible. The first regime is the Abrahamic regime. The second regime is the regime of the Law – Law of Moses or Ten Commandments. We examined how tithing came about in the Bible and the reasons Abraham and Read more about Understanding Tithing (Part 2)[…]

Understanding Tithing (Part 1)

There are two regimes of tithe in the Bible. The first regime is the Abrahamic regime. The second regime is the regime of the Law. That’s shortcode for the Law of Moses. It’s also known as regime of the Ten Commandments – the body of legislation enacted to regulate the nascent nation of Israel. It Read more about Understanding Tithing (Part 1)[…]

In The Beginning (Part 2)

In The Beginning (Part 2) – another free chapter from The Genesis Project, a new book by Leke Alder. Last week we began discussion on how the Universe came into being. We touched on time, timelessness, dimensions and dimensional limitations. Today, we’ll be looking at the concluding part by examining the dimensions of God – Read more about In The Beginning (Part 2)[…]

Kingdom Takeover (Part 2)

Religiosity is a terrible thing. What religiosity does is that it makes us blind to the obvious, and the reason is because we’re processing illumination through a refractive medium and so it ends up crooked. Religiosity defines Christianity as essentially a religious proposition but the evidence in the Bible suggests it’s more than that. The Read more about Kingdom Takeover (Part 2)[…]

Kingdom Takeover (Part 1)

Let us put things in proper context. When we’re talking about kingdom takeover we’re talking about taking over the political, economic and cultural dimensions of a nation. You can’t take over a national expression without acquiring control of those strategic assets. You have to take over political power, control the economy and influence popular culture Read more about Kingdom Takeover (Part 1)[…]

In The Beginning (Part 1)

In The Beginning – another free chapter from The Genesis Project, a new book by Leke Alder. The Universe and everything we see is made up of matter. Matter did not exist before the beginning of time.  It was created “in the beginning.”  If you are a frequent traveller like I am, you may have Read more about In The Beginning (Part 1)[…]

The Sound of Genesis

About the age of ten, my cousin who had just secured employment in an electronics trading company gave me an invaluable present. She gave me a beautiful compact radio about the size of a fairly large phone today. The front panel was yellow while the back was black. It was wrapped in cellophane inside a Read more about The Sound of Genesis[…]